How Can You Grow in Seconds? It’s Possible.

Trading Sex for Death
3 min readJul 14, 2022

I’ve been putting myself out there a lot. I’ve been going out, meeting new people, trying to make new friends, and committing to new relationships. I still have a lot of anxiety and overthink many social situations. I’ve built a circle of women friends who have active lives and things that happen to them.

Here’s the thing. This is one of the first times in my life where I don’t have drama going on. And by drama I mean stuff like: friends going off the deep end, having crazy nights of my own, having fucked up intimate partnerships, and spiraling into depression. I don’t have things that happen to me. Nothing is particularly sexy in my life. I don’t have places I need to be socially. My work environment is small, the stimuli are few, and I usually only work with two people max at any given time.

Life is a bit isolated as I try to find my place in the daytime as a sober person trying to meet people. But here’s the thing. My friends’ lives are so full of energy, action, and good and bad things happening. I mean, things happen to them! I am living my past vicariously through them. But I hear their stories and go oh shit as my internal voice responds to their stories in my head.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

During lunch recently, here’s what a few seconds of thoughts looked like, and the massive growth I had because of my realizations. I was listening to my friend, responding to her in my head:

“I don’t do that anymore.”

“That situation doesn’t resonate with me anymore.”

“That’s never happened to me.”

“I don’t fuck with people like that.”

“Fuckboys — why even?”

“Omg — WHAT???”

Let me get to the point. While I notice these things occurring in the present lives of my friends, I notice these things don’t happen to me anymore, at least not for a long stretch of 7 months. There are so many things I don’t have in common with people because I’ve deleted things from my life (like drinking). In this realization, clarity came. I am so lucky to have these things NOT happen to me. I am so lucky that I have never had to walk a mile in their shoes. BUT — crazy part is, I’m not sure a lot has happened TO me in the past. I just don’t know that I’ve ever experienced some things to the depths that other people have.

It hit me. In the past, I didn’t have the external world driving bad things to me. I actually did an excellent job at manifesting those negative experiences all on my own.

While I’ve been lucky that the external world hasn’t fully given me a beat down…it’s unfortunate that the only person that’s ever truly given me a beat down is myself, my bad decisions, and the consequences thereof.

While I sit at lunch with my friends feeling grateful that I no longer experience some of the things they are going through, it is BITTERSWEET to recognize that I was the one who put myself through horrible situations in the past, all on my own.

I still live with myself, right. But I’m not the same person — I don’t make the same self-destructive decisions anymore. I have evolved beyond being my own worst enemy. I just wanted to take the time to capture this moment of growth for myself. I am very proud I have become my own mom, my own friend, and am (mostly) no longer an enemy to myself.



Trading Sex for Death

Aggressively taking care of myself & figuring it out as I grow. Generous? Support me on Ko-Fi ❤❤❤